Mars Over Mercury Retrograde ~ 5 March 2019

Tomorrow Uranus steps with measured strides into Taurus, bringing with him all the speculation of a new cosmic economy. But wait! Mercury up and turned retrograde today. Stop the presses! Not pending a news flash bulletin, but because writers, editors and proofreaders likely lapse in attention to their jobs. Traffic signals go wonky. Pickpockets stand ready to overrun crowded public places and pillage purses. Printers and copiers erupt, jam, bellow smoke and reject secondary source ink cartridges.

Sarcasm and intentional exaggeration above fully implied. Mercury retrograde, a real astrological force with which one must reckon, bears implications that live in hyperbole. In truth, the New York Times and the Sydney Morning Herald do not shutter the shop when Mercury appears reversed. Airplanes fly more or less on schedule, per capita. Short trips and transactions of commerce continue to occur.

However, collectively during Mercury retrograde, an unconscious collective pressure to get tasks completed, e-mail sent, contracts signed and social media posted rises due to the conjunction midway through the effect in which the Earth, Sun and Mercury align. Yep, conscious attention to mundane matters requiring communication and transactional attention dominate the landscape. In remedy to the retrograde, slow down, think clearly (especially before blurting emotionally charged declarations), review and check you work. If you can proofread your work and reread communications to ensure you missed nothing during a different lunar sign (allowing a few days to pass if possible), works wonders.

Despite Mercury retrograde, life goes on. Be wary of being one of those folks who misses an amazing Jupiter or Saturn transit because of Mercury’s perceived backward motion. Remember that Mercury never travels backward. That’s how we see it through the combined relative motion of Earth and Mercury. Be wary of being one of those folks who defers and lets time pass instead of engaging a Mars transit.

Speaking of which, there are nearly a handful of Mars transits occurring with the tenure of this current Mercury retrograde. The first of these, happening now, is Mars trine Hylonome. Who? Hylonome, a female centaur, who when her mate was killed during one of those centaurs-seeking-wine debacles, thrust herself on the spear that took her mate’s life because she could not bear living a life of longing for her beloved. That’s intense. Is there something we can glean from this with constructive images?

Hylonome refers to sensing and feeling any loss, guilt for missing an opportunity, and shame for a lack of clear perception regarding any chance presented by the cosmos in matters of relationship and how one generates revenue. Okay, if you didn’t see the cues, react to the hints and nuances, or plain blew a chance for elevating the status of life, take a moment and grieve it. Then, vow to never do that again, integrate the insights, and function with an understanding of how to actualize the past.

Next up, Mars trines Saturn on March 13. Saturn will sanction efforts extended. Realize that the ringed wonder only approves of and endorses energy offered, projects in projects and campaigns completed. If you’re planning to start something on this date, you will catch only the backside of the wave. Get grinding, be pleasant and as non confrontational as feasible to ensure your personal integrity remains intact and check action items off the to-do list so you can make good while the getting is good.

Six days later on March 19th, Mars moves onto a trine with Pluto. Mars and Pluto have a karmic kismet by virtue of their shared rulership with/over Scorpio. Suffice it to say, this is the dive deep time for any and all projects in the works. Find the soulful passion that forms the substrate of spiritual expression in every task engaged no matter how mundane. When seeking resources from others, project absolute belief in the project while avoiding the urge to guarantee material return; spend more time affirming ecological, societal and soulful returns. Learn to work obsessively without shunning any person, place or thing that feeds the soul. Know that as the equinox prepares to roll around, serious hay must be made.

Finishing out the Mercury retrograde interval, Mars trines Sedna on March 25th. Since Sedna resides outside the astrological mainstream, a quick summary with Mars works as follows: Invest energy in shedding any resentment toward perceived family of origin grievances; delete limitations of skill or talent based in formative years; swiftly and comprehensively reality check opportunities that blip your personal radar. Ultimately Sedna works to secure the mundane comforts one requires to feel as if they have a safe landing page in life. With the mundane secured, Sedna then turns her attention toward fulfilling those things that foster fecundity and nurture the soul.

Looks like a quite awesome month ahead, right? Yes, absolutely, for those proactively engaging the circumstances of life with curious care, intention, and substantial, enduring action.

More soon.

By the way, The Galactic Report assesses personal planet connections one has in their horoscope to Hylonome (and five other primary centaurs). Sometimes a well-mapped plan - the kind that can come from a strategic astrological consultation might serve life’s objectives. Links are below. Click, order and schedule in the most proactive Martian way you can.

Details regarding OTRO LADO’s screening in the Carmarthen Bay Film Festival will be coming. Stay tuned!